
Primary LanguagePython

Bunch Test Organizer and Runner

Bunch is tool for grouping, managing and running Lettuce scenarios. It offers explicit separation of test fixtures from test scenarios by dividing it into setup, teardown and test scripts. Bunch encourages writing clean, self-sufficient and multi-environment tests, which can be executed in parallel. It also provides more flexibility for test parameterization - test scenarios are treated as templates, which get parameterized upon execution.


Implemented features

  • Test parameterization via Jinja2 templates and YAML configs
  • Test fixture separation
  • xUnit XML reports. This is handy for using Bunch with CI tools

Planned features

  • Parallel test scenario execution
  • Dependencies for test fixtures: setup and teardown scripts associated with test may be shared within test bunch and between different bunches
  • Fixtures grouping by test configuration. That will help writing environment agnostic tests which require different fixture versions for each environment


Just do the following:

user@machine:~/projects$ git clone  git.griddynamics.net:~skosyrev/repos/bunch
user@machine:~/projects$cd bunch
user@machine:~/projects/bunch$  python setup.py install

Writing Tests

Bunch test scenarios are basically Lettuce feature files which are organized in special order.

Organizing Test Scenarios

Tests are grouped into bunches. All tests in a bunch are considered to be independent and may be executed in any order or even in parallel.

Test is a group of Lettuce scenarios of three types located in the same directory. These types are differentiated by file extensions:

  • <name>.test is main scenario for test <name>
  • <name>.<configuration_name>.setup is setup fixture for test <name> intended for test configuration <configuration_name>
  • <name>.<configuration_name>.teardown is teardown fixture for test <name> intended for test configuration <configuration_name>

Bunch consists of tests and config.yaml file. All bunch items are located in the same directory, i.e. all Lettuce scenarios, Python files and configuration data.

config.yaml is bunch-wide configuration file containing parameter values for scenario templates.

Test parameterization

Every Lettuce scenarios in a bunch is considered as template. That means that scenarios may contain Jinja2 template expressions. The template expression are expanded with values taken from config.yaml file. See examples below.

If we have user item in the config.yaml:

  name: admin1

Then we can use it in the sample_test.setup:

Feature: Make preparations for sample test
        Scenario: Create admin user
                Create admin user "{{user.name}}"
                Check user "{{user.name}}" exist

The presence of bunch config and templates is not necessary. If ommitted then no parameterization is performed. It is also possible to use some global config file for each bunch execution:

>>>bunch -c /pathto/config  bunch_sourec results_dir

The global config file can be used along with local per-bunch configs. In that case global variables are loaded first then local variables are loaded on bunch execution. The variables with the same names get overriden with local values.

Test Fixtures and Dependencies

By default all tests are dependent from their fixtures of any. But it is possible to specify that test requires extra setup performed prior its execution. The dependency spefication is performed via special Lettuce steps in *.test scenario:

Requires setup: "<list of setup fixtures required>"

And :

Requires external setup: "<list of setup fixtures from other bunches>"

The <list of setup fixtures required> is the white-space or newline separated list of fixture names which should be executed and return successful result before test run. Setup scripts may be executed in parrallel and started in the order specified in the "Requires setup:" statement. Often setup actions rely on each other and so should be executed sequentially. For that reason syncronization quantifier may be used. Just put exclamation mark between fixture names, to specify the point of syncronization:

setup1 ! setup2 setup3 ! setup_final

This splits fixtures into groups. All fixtures within single group are executed in parallel. Also it is possible to make it run sequentially in specific order:

setup1 ! setup2 ! setup3! setup_final

The corresponding teardown scripts are executed after test is finished, so there is no need to specify that particular teardown is required.

Running Tests

Tests may be executed via bunch console script or via bunch.cli.main() function:

>>>bunch  samples/dummy results

The results directory will contain parameterized scenarios and test results.

Execution parallellism

The -b command option controls bunch execution concurrency. It may have the following values:

  • serial - tests are executed in single thread
  • unlimited - all tests may be executed in parallel if possible
  • limited<n> - tests are executed within <n> threads
  • auto - tests are executed according to machine capabilities and the common sense

Test Results

Test results are written into xUnit XML test reports. Report is generated for each test which was executed as <testname>.result.xml