
Generate your portfolio and upload it to github pages

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Portfolio Generator

Generate your portfolio using my custom theme and upload it to github pages.

How to use it

  1. Fork the project on github
  2. Clone the forked project onto your machine and navigate to it
  3. Run node make.js or manually edit src/config.js and add your information/theme
  4. Add your own favicon.ico in public
  5. If not using a custom domains delete public/CNAME
  6. Update the <title></title> tag in public/index.html
  7. Open package.json and edit the "homepage" value to match "https://<yourgitname>.github.io/portfolio-generator"
  8. Run npm run build
  9. Run npm run deploy
  10. Open your browser and go to https://<yourgitname>.github.io/portfolio-generator (Note this make take some time to deploy)

If you have problems please refer to the Issues section.

How to update

  1. Update your config.js file
  2. Run npm run build
  3. Run npm run deploy

Custom Domain

  1. Open the CNAME file in the public folder.
  2. Add your custom domain to its contents (Example: example.com)
  3. Open package.json and edit the "homepage" value to match your custom domain
  4. Run npm run build
  5. Run npm run deploy
  6. Open your project on github and click on settings
  7. Navigate to the GitHub Pages section and type your custom domain into the custom domain field and click save.
  8. Go to your DNS provider for your website and the following records
A Record  Host: @ Value:
A Record  Host: @ Value:
CNAME Record: Host: @ Value: <yourgitusername>.github.io

For more details checkout GitHubs documentation or see the Issues section.


If you have any issues with the portfolio website open a issue here. Please include the contents of your src/config.js file.

If you have any issues with deploying your project onto github pages refer to Facebooks documentation.

If you have issues with custom domains refer to Github Pages documentation or this basic tutorial.

If any of these do not resolve your problem open an issue on Github here.