
Can't find DS4 device(ps4 pro) with USB cable/--hidraw

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[pc trialism]# ds4drv --hidraw
[info][controller 1] Created devices /dev/input/js0 (joystick) /dev/input/event23 (evdev)
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices

I'm on a fresh manjaro linux. I tried with bluetooth too but I got this:

[error][daemon] 'hcitool' could not be found, make sure you have bluez-utils installed.

bluez-utils is installed.

Same issue. Fresh install under Ubuntu with KDE.

Same issue. Linux Mint 19

I found solution. You need to edit /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ds4drv/backends/ like here:


If you have python3.* installed, you may have installed ds4drv with pip3, so change the path slightly to /usr/local/lib/python3.*/dist-packages/ds4drv/backends/

where * is whatever version of Python 3 you're on

hcitool is an external tool you need to install.

Probably use bluetoothctl would make sense these days.

My controller shows: Sony Computer Entertainment Wireless controller, so maybe check case insensitive could help. Still I cannot connect by usb