
Can't connect ps4 controller with ds4drv

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I type in ds4drv then:
[error] [controller1] Failed to create "/dev/uinput" cannot be opened for writing
[info] [bluetooth] Scanning for devices
[info] [bluetooth] Found device 98:B6:E9:4F:70:17

Then the program crashes
Ibhave linux mint 20.1 kernel version is 5.8

I think you forget to install udev rules

I have a similar issue, here my terminal output (usb-wired ps4 gamepad) :

ds4drv --hidraw
[info][controller 1] Created devices /dev/input/js0 (joystick) /dev/input/event19 (evdev) 
[info][hidraw] Scanning for devices

in my case, ds4drv scans but never finds my device. Strange, because the first line suggests something else, event19 is correct.

What I did:

  1. installed python-setuptools
  2. sudo pip install ds4drv
  3. copyed the udev rules file to /etc/udev/rules.d/.
  4. applied sudo udevadm control --reload-rules then sudo udevadm trigger
  5. put the ds4drv.conf to ~/.config/ds4drv.conf
  6. launched ds4drv --hidraw or ds4drv. ds4drv scans but never finds.

Maybe I take another look at the ds4drv.conf file, but it should be fine.
Some more suggestions?