
RI Tables Failing to Load

bgdszepesi opened this issue · 2 comments

I downloaded version 3.1 of the template and used a manual scope

I consistently get these errors from the RI Tables (GUIDs removed - They are two different GUIDs btw).

RI Transactions
Web.Contents failed to get contents from '$filter=properties/eventDate+ge+2023-08-01+AND+properties/eventDate+le+2023-09-28&api-version=2019-10-01' (400): Bad Request

RI Usage
We cannot convert a value of type Record to type Table.

RI Recommendations (Shared)
Web.Contents failed to get contents from '$filter=properties/scope+eq+'Shared'+AND+properties/lookBackPeriod+eq+'Last30Days'%20&api-version=2019-10-01' (400): Bad Request

If I look at RI Transactions in Power Query Editor, on the navigation (second) step I get the following:
DataSource.Error: Web.Contents failed to get contents from '$filter=properties/eventDate+ge+2023-08-01+AND+properties/eventDate+le+2023-09-28&api-version=2019-10-01' (400): Bad Request
DataSourcePath=Manually Input Scope;/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/=GUID:=GUID_2019-05-31

Hi @bgdszepesi, do you have any reservations in your enrollment/MCA? If you have already run Query Diagnostics or step diagnostics in Query Editor for the RI steps can you check what the 400 error response is? I have seen these before (see Azure Cost Management connector in Power BI documentation), but there should be a limit in the query to set it to 2 months to avoid this.

You may need to go deeper and look at the actual API calls to find out what's failing (If you are comfortable with setting up Fiddler for example)

Sorry for the delay, I had to confirm that yes, that are RI that we expected to see. I will dig deeper from Query Diagnostics and Fiddler and update the thread with more information.