
GraphQL example using Context & Services

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GraphQL Context and Services

Simple example showing how to use Context as a class within GraphQL, along with context.services for abstracting away downstream API complexity.

For extra credit, this also shows off Apollo's REST Data Source with built in caching!


Example of a GraphQL query

Use the following example query:

query MyGitHubRateLimit {
  # Example of getting properties from context

  # Example of using context.services.GitHub
  github {
    rateLimit {
      # 👇 Cached automatically!

  # Returning the app version is handy 🤷‍♂️


  • Using Context (instead of a plain {...} object) moves complexity from within your middleware to a separate, testable layer:

      graphql((req, res) => {
        const context = new Context({ req })
        return {
          graphiql: true,
          pretty: true,
  • Context can have a strict, testable API for your resolvers to use, instead of ad-hoc reliance on req.query or req.body:

    // Before
    ip: (parent, args, context, info) => {
      if (req.header("x-forwarded-for")) {
        return req.header("x-forwarded-for").split(",").shift()
      if (req.connection.remoteAddress) {
        return req.connection.remoteAddress
      return req.ip
    // After
    ip: (parent, args, context, inf0) => {
      return context.ip
  • API calls within resolvers are simplified:

    rateLimit: (parent, args, context, info) => {
      const { GitHub } = context.services
      return GitHub.getRateLimit()
  • The same as Apollo's dataSources, but works with the standard express-graphql library:
