
How to Install Kext for JMicron Card Reader

ngdanghau opened this issue · 28 comments

Hi, I install macOS Seirra on my HP8460p, and how to Install Kext for JMicron Card Reader on it? it's available on DPCIManager
Screen Shot 2019-03-28 at 11 34 31 PM

the kext is in Clover EFI/CLOVER/kexts//10.12
[Modular Image Creation

i think it dont work.

i think it dont work.

I don't know what's wrong with you on 10.12 ? its work here 10.13 and 10.14

I have a SD SanDisk of Canon Camera, i insert it to computer and nothing happened .

upload EFI folder here

I don't know what's wrong with you ? ?
You can try to install the kext in the system ?

Copy both kext JMB38X.kex / HSSDBlockStorage.kext in Desktop
then remove the kext on Clover / kexts / 10.12

Try to install the kext in S/L/E WITH this utility

it still doesn't work

it still doesn't work

So delete the both kext in S/LE

I see on your EFI some kext not comes from the HP ProBook EliteBook macOS
maybe one of them is causing you this problem ?

[Modular Image Creation

It work when i insert SD before boot macos =)), insert after macos booted is don't work.
And i have a problem with restart. When I click restart it show black screen not restart. Can you fixed it?

It work when i insert SD before boot macos =)), insert after macos booted is don't work.
And i have a problem with restart. When I click restart it show black screen not restart. Can you fixed it?

Complete a fresh install of Sierra with the latest Program here ➣

With your config the only issue is about USB 3 maybe ?
If you have issue about USB telling me what not work, and don't install kext in Clover

Yes, USB 3 of my computer is not working, so I install GenericUSBXHCI.kext and it work when insert USB before boot macos, it quite inconvenient. I will try fresh Sierra.

I will try fresh Sierra.

Ok and don't use USBGeneric
telling me when you have done

while install, Can you help me fixed facetime and imessage ? p/s: I have a real info macbook, it maybe helpful.

Not need real macBook to do this, when you have done send me EFI

I will see your EFI tomorrow morning, I go to sleep

But I done, I found many issue:

  1. Sound play before boot apple logo (different creator V1)
  2. No Ethernet (different creator V1)
  3. USB 3.0 not working (same creator V1)
  4. SD Reader not working (same creator V1)
  5. Restart Woking.

1- Sound play before boot apple logo (Normal its new boot chime like a real Mac)

2- Ethernet (Try the kext IntelMausiEthernet.kext V-2.4.1d1) attaching here change on 10.12

3- USB 3.0 (Try This program) here

4- SD Reader I will check after

Thanks for all, it work and how to active imessage and facetime ?

Thanks for all, it work and how to active imessage and facetime ?

Mount EFI Partition and Copy config.plist to your desktop

open config with Clover configurator

Click Generate
[Modular Image Creation

Click Generate
[Modular Image Creation

Save and replace in EFI REBOOT

When I reboot done, i login imessage i found issue:
Screen Shot 2019-03-30 at 11 59 29 PM

Open terminal paste this on terminal follow by Enter
Copy the code UUIDGEN
[Modular Image Creation

Copy paste the code on clover configurator

[Modular Image Creation

It don't work

It don't work

Try UUIDGEN and generate Serial Number

I try many times but still have same issue

I try many times but still have same issue

Try this

Reboot and connect

Still don't work

Still don't work
Sorry but I am not understand why is not working?

Issue is closed because initial issue if fix