
This repository contains the script to compute the questions based on the Answerability aspect.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the script to compute the questions based on the Answerability aspect. Towards a Better Metric for Evaluating Question Generation Systems - Preksha Nema and Mitesh Khapra ( EMNLP, 2018)


The script is a modified version of coco-caption.


  • python setup.py install
  • Java
  • pickle
  • NIST (Optional)
  • METEOR (Optional)

Data Format

  • The reference file and the hypothesis file should contain one question per line.
  • NIST, METEOR scores should be precomputed using the given script, and should contain score for (ref_ques, hyp_ques) per line, corresponding to the ref_file, hyp_file.

How to run the script


python answerability_score.py --data_type squad --ref_file examples/references.txt --hyp_file examples/hypotheses.txt --ner_weight 0.6 --qt_weight 0.2 --re_weight 0.1 --delta 0.7 --ngram_metric Bleu_3
  • ngram_metric varies from [Bleu_1, Bleu_2, Bleu_3, Bleu_4, ROUGE_L, NIST, METEOR]

Note that the weights given to the stop_words is computed as (1 - ner_weight - qt_weight - re_weight) and the weight for the ngram metric is computed using (1 - delta)



pip install -e '.[dev]'