
Small imprecision in the doc about "**<TAB>" enabling

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Not an issue in the code, but rather a small imprecision in the documentation.

The wording of the How to Install / 2. Either put ... might be a little bit confusing:

While it is true that placing the FZF.EXE file in a folder of the PATH is enough to use the fsf tool as a command or a pipe filter, the "clink set fzf.exe_location <put_dir_name_here> " is MANDATORY if one wants to be able to use the "**<TAB>" functionality.

While it is true that placing the FZF.EXE file in a folder of the PATH is enough to use the fsf tool as a command or a pipe filter, the "clink set fzf.exe_location <put_dir_name_here> " is MANDATORY if one wants to be able to use the "**<TAB>" functionality.

Can you share more information?
I think there might be something else going on.

I don't have fzf.exe_location set, and fzf.exe is in my PATH, and the **Tab functionality is working fine on my computer.

I believe you that it's not working on your computer. At the same time, it doesn't look like the problem is in the fzf.lua script, at least not with the information available so far.

❯ where fzf
❯ clink set fzf.exe_location
        Name: fzf.exe_location
 Description: Location of fzf.exe if not on the PATH
 wbin\clink  tools ±1                                                                            Fri 02:26 AM
❯ echo **
> C:\wbin\clink\!foldline.lua                                                                                         │
  264/264 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

It seems it's not working for me either, I just installed fzf + fzf.lua and restarted clink but:

> echo **

Moreover, I have set fzf.location

It seems it's not working for me either, I just installed fzf + fzf.lua and restarted clink but:

> echo **

Moreover, I have set fzf.location

Please share the output from clink set fzf* and your .inputrc file.

What key did you press after the **?

Also, how did you install fzf? Scoop? Winget? Manually download from the fzf repo and extracting from the zip file to a directory?

Please share the output from clink set fzf* and your .inputrc file.

fzf.default_bindings  False
fzf.exe_location      D:\env\fzf.exe
fzf.height            40%

What key did you press after the **?

I tried both Tab and Enter
My understanding is, it should bring up the fzf interface on Tab right? For me that just cycles through files in the normal way (i.e. on the same line without the fzf interface).

Also, how did you install fzf? Scoop? Winget? Manually download from the fzf repo and extracting from the zip file to a directory?

Manually, and it is also in my PATH

fzf.default_bindings  False

Oh, I see the problem. 😬

You haven't turned on the default key bindings.

And that would be because the Readme doesn't mention that as a required step. Because the Readme wasn't updated when the default changed from "True" to "False" (because just because fzf.lua exists doesn't automatically imply the user wants to have fzf replace their key bindings, especially if they have fzf.lua because they've installed clink-gizmos).

The instructions at the top of the fzf.lua file were updated, but not the instructions in the Readme.

I see, it works now. Thanks!