
A simple, experimental Ruby library for controlling Philips Hue lights.

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a Ruby library for controlling the Philips Hue lighting system. The API has not yet been released, but there are several people working to figure it out.


All of this is very experimental and could permanently damage your awesome (but ridiculously expensive) lightbulbs. As such, exercise extreme caution.

Getting Started

You can get a great overview of the options and limitations of the lights from Ross McKillop.


To begin using, fire up the irb console from the project root thus:

irb -I lib
>> require 'hue'
=> true

Start by registering your application. Press the button on the bridge and execute

>> Hue.register_default
=> #<Hue::Bridge:0x8b9d950 @application_id="4aa41fe737808af3559f3d22ca67a0ca", @base_uri="">

This will create two config files in your ~/.hue-lib directory. One for the bridges discovered on your network and one for the registered application.

You can fetch the default application thus:

>> bridge = Hue.application
=> #<Hue::Bridge:0x8b9d950 @application_id="4aa41fe737808af3559f3d22ca67a0ca", @base_uri="">

You can see all of the lights attached to your controller by querying the bridge.

>> bridge.lights
=> {"1"=>{"name"=>"Bedroom Overhead"}, "2"=>{"name"=>"Living Overhead"}, "3"=>{"name"=>"Standing Lamp"}, "4"=>{"name"=>"Living Cabinet"}}
>> bridge.light_names
=> "1. Bedroom Overhead\n2. Living Overhead\n3. Standing Lamp\n4. Living Cabinet"

If you know the ID number of a particular lamp, you can access it directly.

>> b = Hue::Bulb.new(bridge, 1)
=> #<Hue::Bulb:0x007fe35a3586b8 @bridge=#<Hue::Bridge:0x007fe35a358690 @id="1">>

# on/off
>> b.on?
=> false

>> b.on
=> true

>> b.on?
=> true

# brightness
>> b.brightness = 128
=> 128

# color
>> b.color = Hue::Colors::ColorTemperature.new(6500)
=> Temperature=6500°K (153 mired)

>> b.color = Hue::Colors::HueSaturation.new(10_000, 255)
=> Hue=10000, Saturation=255

>> b.color = Hue::Colors::XY.new(0.5, 0.5)
=> XY=[0.5, 0.5]

# blinking
>> b.blinking?
=> false

>> b.blink

>> b.blinking?
=> true

>> b.solid

>> b.blinking?
=> false