
Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined

rchod opened this issue · 8 comments

rchod commented

screenshot from 2018-09-19 16-44-27

FYI the file I tried to upload was like 54 Mb

I'm seeing the same, with a file size of 60MB and using Webpack 4

stof commented

I got this when uploading a stats file generated by a multi-compiler run of webpack.

I'm seeing this exact issue with a 12MB stats file generated from webpack 4.31.0.

Seeing this issue with a 25MB stats file generated from Webpack 4.

rtyx commented

I'm also seeing this with a 60,8MB stats.json file

crtl commented

33.5Mb also doesnt work.

37.8MB also doesnt work

For me, it was because expected stats object properties were not found by getAssetsData().

However you control your stats options, make sure the ones it needs are emitted:

stats: {
    chunks: true,
    assets: true,