
Possible UX improvements

Opened this issue · 1 comments

First time using the skin since the Leia update and I am a big fan.

I do have a couple of frustrations with some of the navigation though and would like to hear your thoughts on them.

When you enter a TV Series and are shown the list of Seasons I can use the right keyboard arrow to navigate to the end and if I go too far it loops back to the start. I expect this, however, I don't expect that when I press the left keyboard arrow at the beginning that it won't loop backwards to the last season. Improving the navigation here to allow looping to the start/end from both ways would be helpful especially for shows with over 20 seasons and I accidentally go to far!

This leads into my second possible improvement that when the side menu appears after pressing the left keyboard arrow if I go to exit the side menu using the backspace key it takes me back to the Home Menu instead of where I came from. This is jarring especially when I accidentally bring up the menu within the TV Show Seasons view and then accidentally exit all the way back to Home instead of back to the Seasons view.

Overall a great skin and keen to see what you think about improving the above!

Hi, thanks for the feedback!

Interesting points both. I do agree with the seasons view scroll issue and will test a fix for that.

The second point on the behaviour of the 'back' button on the side menu is a little more tricky, but let me see what I can do to improve matters.