
Globbing reporting 'no files to import found' when there are files in the directory in question

markweston opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm using grunt-contrib-sass and requiring sass-globbing gem. I'm then running my grunt sass task through bundle exec (fails otherwise as it can't find sass-globbing) but my compiled css contains the following.

/* No files to import found in objects//* /
No files to import found in components/
/* */

Those two directories contain scss partials which can be compiled if I directly specify them in the import without using globbing. I removed version 1.1.1 of sass-globbing after seeing some issues relating to it and relative imports. 1.1.0 still gives me the same problem. If I try just using the /* pattern for files, which I was originally doing as I have no further subdirectories I have the same problem.

Also worth noting that grunt-contrib-sass reports no errors when compiling sass.

Any idea what is going on here.

you should be using the / * / ** [or vice-versa] for all partial includes. just because there aren't any sub directories right now doesn't mean that selecting with /* is the only way to go. good luck

Fixed in 1.1.3