
Screenshots not showing up ๐Ÿ˜ž [ISSUE]

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments

Feature Requested

They successfully append the image file name into obsidian but they don't show up as screenshots but rather just the file names, like so:

Relevant Screenshot



  • The feature would be useful to more users than just me.
  • I have checked the feature overview and the feature doesn't already exist.
  • Feature Requests regarding daily notes will not be implemented, since there are other Alfred workflows that do focus on daily notes already.
  • If it is an entirely new feature: The requested feature makes more sense to be implemented in Alfred than in a plugin. Please also explain why.

fixed in the latest release:

also, please submit bugs as bug reports and not as feature requests. The form may be longer, but the requested information is often necessary.

@chrisgrieser Yeah man I tried a few times to find the bug report section, it just wasn't popping up on my Firefox to be honest. The only thing it allowed was a feature request, hence why I wrote "[ISSUE]" in the title. Apologies for that, I just had no other way of bringing attention to this. Sorry about that. And thank you for your quick response man, much appreciated. Will support this project this week.



  1. These are the following images of what shows up when I try to create an issue:


  1. After clicking get started, I figured maybe I'll have the option to switch issue type and go to the "Bug" label


  1. Upon clicking the "choose a different type" hyperlink, it takes me back to the starting point:


  • Maybe it's the beta github that I never activated but I'll check the settings see if something in there covers this.

Oh that's weird. I'll look into it what is causing that. Thanks for letting me know!

figured it out, now the bug report form should be available again ๐Ÿ™‚

@chrisgrieser Yeah that was weird, what was it? From your end maybe? Thanks for fixing the bug that allows us to use bugs hehe.

Edit: Screenshots still popping up like this brothaman:

Edit 2: Is it because my vault is stored in iCloud? Does it have to be local you think?

Thanks again for your due diligence.

nah, the bug report issue was because I made a type in the yaml-file configuring the bug report form, which apparently makes GitHub completely ignore it ๐Ÿ™ˆ

Ok, found the issue. Indeed overlooked a case when you have configured the screenshot path (which I didn't think of, cause you could not use a bug report form, where your config would have be apparent ๐Ÿ˜… ) Should be fixed in the latest release:

@chrisgrieser Awesome, just double checked it and was freaked out when it didn't work at first. But IT WORKS BEAUTIFULLY. You the man Chris. Great job.

For anyone that may still have some issues after updating, MAKE SURE TO REINITIALIZE THE SETUP PROCESS AGAIN via Alfred!!

@chrisgrieser Apologies for berating you with a bunch of comments. So I guess the fix was just to make it append to the "Images" folder and also to whatever specified folder path the user chooses in their user configuration, correct?

Because that is what it is doing on my end.

  • If I choose a specific folder path for screenshots, it goes to that folder AND to the "Images" folder in the vault. I guess this makes it display the images because otherwise if it wasn't saved to folder we would get the same issue from v. 3.6.0