
Bug: Alfed Crash on `o`

bodtheone opened this issue · 1 comments

Bug Description

alfred crashes when typing o with workflow active, it happens only when typing o not even osetup

Relevant Screenshot

i think its because it cant acces my vault in my pcloud alternative to google drive

To Reproduce

get workflow and type the letter o in alfred command line

Debugging Log

ERROR: Shimmering Obsidian[Script Filter] Code -1: Task '/Users/thomas/pCloud Drive/Thomas/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.9F2A37DA-FFA6-48F1-95C9-67B55F4D245C/scripts/o_search.js' failed with reason 'launch path not accessible'

Workflow Configuration

didnt change it

Version & System Information

the newest now and alfred 5

Make sure you have done the following

  • I have updated to the latest version of this workflow.
  • I have read the documentation of the feature I am having problems with.
  • I am using Alfred 5. (Alfred 4 is not supported by this workflow anymore.)
  • I have updated to the latest version of the Metadata-Extractor and the Advanced URI plugin.
  • If the o… main search does not work, I made sure that I haven't changed any of the default settings of the Metadata-Extractor. Furthermore, I have tried rerunning osetup and it still does not work.
  • If notes in general can be found, but recently created or renamed notes cannot, I used the oupdate command to manually update the metadata.

Workflow Configuration
didnt change it

setting the vault path is required for the workflow to work:

Pasted image 2023-10-27 at 08 21 48@2x

If you have done that and still get a complete Alfred crash, I am afraid that's an issue with Alfred itself, and little I can do on my end. In this case, you'd have to report the bug on the Alfred forum, sorry.