
[Feature Request] Add option for Model Schema only

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I really like this library and we use it in my organisation. However, I think there is a lot of boilerplate types being generated when running npx prisma generate that we do not use.

Is there a way to skip the generation of InputTypeSchemas or only generate those needed for my model schemas? I see a lot of enumSchemas generated that is not used anywhere.

Furthermore, is there a way to skip creating types for my model schemas? The reason is that it can create confusion between the types generated by the prisma client.


To answer your first question: Yes, you can disable createInputTypes and enable only createModelTypes, but that will still generate the InputTypeSchemas folder with Enum Schemas/Types... which is pointless, in my view.

It would be great to have this package simply use the enum types exported by Prisma itself!

That way, instead of having this:


import { z } from 'zod'

export const UserRoleSchema = z.enum(['USER', 'ADMIN'])

export type UserRoleType = `${z.infer<typeof UserRoleSchema>}` // <== By the way, isn't this a bug? shouldn't it be "export type UserRoleType = z.infer<typeof UserRoleSchema>" ???

export default UserRoleSchema


import { UserRoleSchema } from '../inputTypeSchemas/UserRoleSchema'


export const UserSchema = z.object({
  role: UserRoleSchema,
  name: z.string(),

export type User = z.infer<typeof UserSchema>

export default UserSchema

We could just have this:


import { UserRole } from '@prisma/client'


export const UserSchema = z.object({
  role: z.nativeEnum(UserRole),
  name: z.string(),

export type User = z.infer<typeof UserSchema>

export default UserSchema


Edit: I know Zod Enums (.enum()) are the recommended approach to defining and validating enums, but as Zod itself says:

If you need to validate against an enum from a third-party library (or you don't want to rewrite your existing enums) you can use z.nativeEnum().
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