
[BUG] There are some errors in the generated schema file.

Opened this issue · 5 comments

pruge commented

Describe the bug


generator zod {
  provider                  = "zod-prisma-types"
  output                    = "zod"
  prismaClientPath          = "../../client"
  createModelTypes          = false
  addIncludeType            = false
  addSelectType             = false
  validateWhereUniqueInput  = false
  useDefaultValidators      = false
  createRelationValuesTypes = false
  coerceDate                = false
  useMultipleFiles          = true

model Block {
  id     String @id @default(uuid(7)) @db.Uuid
  screen String

  styles   String @default("{}")
  traits   String @default("{}") 
  widgetId String @db.Uuid
  widget   Widget @relation(fields: [widgetId], references: [id])

  uiProjectId String    @db.Uuid
  uiProject   UiProject @relation(fields: [uiProjectId], references: [id])

  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

generated BlockArgsSchema.ts

import { z } from 'zod';
import type { Prisma } from '../../client';
import { BlockSelectSchema } from '../inputTypeSchemas/BlockSelectSchema';
import { BlockIncludeSchema } from '../inputTypeSchemas/BlockIncludeSchema';

export const BlockArgsSchema: z.object({.                                <-- something wrong.
  select: z.lazy(() => BlockSelectSchema).optional(),
  include: z.lazy(() => BlockIncludeSchema).optional(),

export default BlockArgsSchema;


export const BlockArgsSchema:z.ZodType<Prisma.???> = z.object({

Package versions (please complete the following information):

  • zod: "^3.23.8"
  • prisma: "^6.0.0"

I am experiencing the same.

'z.object' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof z.object'?
Property 'strict' does not exist on type '{ select: ZodOptional<ZodLazy<ZodType<Prisma.ServiceSelect, ZodTypeDef, Prisma.ServiceSelect>>>; include: ZodOptional<ZodLazy<ZodType<Prisma.ServiceInclude, ZodTypeDef, Prisma.ServiceInclude>>>; }'

As well as

Namespace '"node_modules/.prisma/client/default".Prisma' has no exported member 'ServiceInclude'

export const ServiceIncludeSchema: z.ZodType<Prisma.ServiceInclude> = z.object({
  providers: z.union([z.boolean(),z.lazy(() => ProviderServiceFindManyArgsSchema)]).optional(),
  patients: z.union([z.boolean(),z.lazy(() => PatientServiceFindManyArgsSchema)]).optional(),
  _count: z.union([z.boolean(),z.lazy(() => ServiceCountOutputTypeArgsSchema)]).optional(),

export const ServiceArgsSchema: z.object({
  select: z.lazy(() => ServiceSelectSchema).optional(),
  include: z.lazy(() => ServiceIncludeSchema).optional(),

Same versions as OP.

insky commented

Same bug

In this code:


This bug occurs because PrismaClient version 6.0.0 is treated the same as PrismaClient version 5.0.x or earlier.

Prisma 6 is not yet supported, see #usage:

Supports prisma 4.x - 5.x

Revert to 5.x until next release and the package should function fine. Readme should be updated to make the versioning issue a bit more obvious though, made a PR here: #301

The issue should be gone in the latest version. As @FranzaLeny pointed out the conditional did not account for version 6.x.x of prisma. This is now fixed.

Regarding the missing ServiceInclude type I could not reproduce the issue. @jacobbrunson please let me know if it works on your end with the latest version.