
Scoring Engine for Cyber Patriot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The cli to setup and configure the VibeEngine.

oclif Version License


The VibeEngine is a CyberPatriot scoring engine for teams around the world to use as a practice resource. If you don't know what CybePatriot is you can read up on it here.

VibeEngine is created in such a way that it simulates a real world CyberPatriot competition. This means that teams will have the ability to create their own round and practice images.

Disclaimer: This readme does not go into too much detail due to everything still being in development.


The engine is designed in 2 parts allowing for 3 ways of deployment. The two parts are as follows:


The server is responsible for mangaging the scoring of the clients that are connected to it. In order for a VibeEngine Client to score the server it is running on it must be connected to a server. The server will periodally send a request to each of its connected clients to retrieve a score. All the scores for each round or connected client is then displayed on a webpage that is hosted by the server.

More info Here


The client is responsible for the actual scoring of the instance. Once a score request is recieved from a server the client will read its scoring configuration file and score accordingly. Once the scoring is completed it will be sent back to the server to be displayed.

More info Here


Since the VibeEngine is designed in a modular fashion it is flexible in how it is deployed. The 3 main deployment methods are described bellow:

  1. Server:
  • Description: Is not running any sort of checks on the machine.
  • Reason: Meant to act as a centralized scoreboard for multiple connected clients that are on the same LAN.
  1. Client
  • Description: Only runs the checks on a machine. Does not have the ablity to display scores.
  • Reason: If there is already a VibeEngine Server deployed on the network.
  1. Standalone
  • Description: Hosts BOTH the VibeEngine Client and Server on the same machine. Meant for standalone instance scoring. Scoreboard and scoring logic is all in one place.
  • Reason: Meant to have the ability so if one person wanted to practive indivdually.


In order to properly configure the VibeEngine this CLI was written. This manages the installation and deployment process for the VibeEngine.


$ npm install -g VibeEngine
$ VibeEngine COMMAND
running command...
$ VibeEngine (-v|--version|version)
VibeEngine_cli/0.0.0 linux-x64 node-v13.3.0
$ VibeEngine --help [COMMAND]
  $ VibeEngine COMMAND


VibeEngine install

Install VibeEngine components

  $ VibeEngine install

  -c, --config=config                  [default: VibeEngine.conf] Path to the configuration file
  -m, --mode=client|server|standalone  (required) VibeEngine mode

  $ VibeEngine install -m client -c VibeEngine.conf
  $ VibeEngine install -m server -c /home/user/VibeEngine.conf
  $ VibeEngine install --mode standalone

See code: src/commands/install.js

VibeEngine config

Configure VibeEngine components

  $ VibeEngine config

  -c, --config=config  [default: VibeEngine.conf] Path to the configuration file
  -m, --mode=client|server|standalone 

See code: src/commands/config.js

VibeEngine help [COMMAND]

display help for VibeEngine

  $ VibeEngine help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

Development Status

Want to stay up to date with the development process of this. Follow the trello board here. I will try my best to keep this up to date and detailed with what is going on with the project as much as possible.


I am the only developer for VibeEngine. If you would like assist in any way (ideas, development, marketing, etc..) feel free to contact me at contra_verde@protomail.com

Once Vibe Engine is fully released the Pull Requests and issues will be used for contributions.