
Deepl Pro with your lib

DeepParekhDev opened this issue · 4 comments


I was using your lib with deepl but now I have purchased DeepL Pro, will your code work with pro ? And can you please tell me where I can use Auth Key in your code ?



  1. can you please tell me where I can use Auth Key in your code ?

You have to use DeepLy 2 ( ).

Here is an example:
So the easiest way is to set the API key in the constructor of the class. Or you may call the setApiKey($key) method.

  1. will your code work with pro

DeepLy 1.x will work with pro, because at the moment using an API key is not a must. However, it will work without the pro features, obviously.

I do not know if DeepLy 2 works with the pro service, someone said it will not work. I cannot test it. I do not have DeepL Pro. I asked them if they support my work on an open source library for DeepL but they did not reply (yet). I plan to wait a little longer for a reply, because honestly I do not want to pay them to get access in order to write a client so that others can use their paid service and pay them even more... you know, that's a double, triple, whatsoever win for them while I have zero benefit...

You have done a great job here Chris.


Thanks for your replay.

I downloaded and used it with pro auth key.

Its seems it is working. But In my DeepL account in usage menu it is not displaying used character. So I am confused.

I just replace you old lib with this new 2.0 and passed API key.

DeepLy 2 is under development and will be released soon. It will support DeepL Pro. I recommend to switch to DeepLy 2 as soon as possible.