
Display error: Traceback (most recent call last)

chtmorris opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm getting a display error. Each asset is displaying:
Traceback (most recent call last):

Love the tool. A fix would be great!

Hey @chtmorris thanks for the report. Could you open up BetterTouchTool, select one of the widgets and on the right hand side select run script now (red in screenshot) - if you can provide me with the whole error message (green in screenshot) I should be able to assist (The display is truncated on the assets itself)

Screenshot 2020-07-28 at 21 57 35

Hey @chrislennon! Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. The error says:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 25, in
KeyError: 'RAW'

Very interesting @chtmorris - and slightly confusing 😅

Looks like there is no data coming back from the API (it cant find any data in the RAW field). Might be quite hard to debug, however you could try going to this link (the default link we get data from) which may tell you more.

I have a hunch that the server is going to be giving something unexpected back - perhaps regarding rate limiting/maximum number of requests.

Given that this is probably going to be a touch of a tricky debug feel free to reach out to me on discord (or anything else more appropriate) leapyearboy#9316

Hi I get the same error everytime I enable my VPN. Is there a workaround?

Hey there I get the API lock too. Cryptocompare gives

{"Response":"Error","Message":"You are over your rate limit please upgrade your account!","HasWarning":false,"Type":99,"RateLimit":{"calls_made":{"second":1,"minute":2,"hour":415,"day":7625,"month":13633,"total_calls":13633},"max_calls":{"second":20,"minute":300,"hour":3000,"day":7500,"month":50000}},"Data":{}}

Apologies for missing notifications on this.

@benzidirk - there is likely other users on your VPN (assuming its public/semi-private) using Cryptocompare's API which will be adding to your quota (by IP).

@RexYuan - As the error says you are also hitting the quota that CryptoCompare has set up.

To both of you - there is some potential workarounds you may wish to try over on this comment and this comment however it likely depend much on your usage (if you are still using this that is 😅)

Moving this issue to closed but if you continue to have issues please open another issue, will be happy to debug with you.