
Pass static typing tests

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Add static type hinting & test with mypy. This issue will get moved from release to release until each task is complete (which might never occur).


  • complete mypy abydos with no errors
  • remove calls to cast (they're not free...)
  • add type hints to every function/method (enable disallow_incomplete_defs = True & disallow_untyped_defs = True in [mypy] of setup.cfg)
  • clean out Union types (consider making simpler non-Unions)
  • eliminate # type: ignore
  • transition variable type hints to Py3.7+ style (after removing Py3.6 support)

I may do a bit of this before releasing 0.6, but 3.6-support probably will stay until 0.6's release, so the final task can't be done yet.