
Total miscalculation

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello! Firstly, want to to thank you for cool tool. It is really convinient, but for me, I have huge problem with calcualtion of statistics. Say, GoPhish dashboard gives me 31 sent emails, one open and one clicked. It's real situation.
This is the output of goreport.

High Level Results
Total Targets: 31
The following totals indicate how many events of each type Gophish recorded:
Total Open Events: 0
Total Click Events: 1
Total Report Events: 0
Total Submitted Data Events: 0
The following totals indicate how many targets participated in each event type:
Individuals Who Opened: 0
Individuals Who Clicked: 3
Individuals Who Reported: 0
Individuals Who Submitted: 1

Recently I ran simultaneously 14 compaigns for the client, so I have pretty much of such examples. Can you help me to troubleshoot this, or maybe I do something totally wrong.
Also, I have feature request: the ability to join multiple GoPHish campaigns into one report. Say, you send several emails with different pretexts for the one client, and after completion you want one report, not several. It will be convenient.

You can combine multiple campaigns into one report using the --combine flag. If each campaign is different, details for the first campaign will be used for the summary, but all results will be in one report.

I'm not sure I understand your stats question. Could you explain?

Stats are based on GoPhish events. If one person clicks a link five times, Gophish's dashboard will show one click, but the details for that recipient will show five click events. Goreport will show you the five events (the total) and that one recipient clicked (the individual total).

@chrismaddalena I had the same experience. The stats are not presented correctly. If 3 individuals clicked on the link, how can the total clicked links be 1?

@thgitadm @CyberM070 I believe I tracked this down. TL;DR, some lists, and counters weren't being reset as they should have been, so there could be situations where someone might be counted more than once.

It should be fixed now, but I need to make a test database with multiple campaigns and a larger variety of data than what the Gophsh demo provides. I found the source of the issue only once I cloned the demo campaign. At least one situation that could cause miscalculations is a user appearing in more than one of the campaigns provided to Goreport.