
Updating README

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I think the README could use a few updates:

  • using the docker ansible_connection removes any need for ssh, (apart from the readme: IMO this should be used by default). this also removes any need for the whole custom routing part on mac os x.
  • actually, the service module does already work atleast with the minimal sysvinit-utils debian:jessie ships with. I would assume that this is also the case for ubuntu:16.04, but this will need verification.
  • additional documentation about the parameters the role accepts for a host should be added
  • perhaps you'd like to link my role, from what I have seen, none of the other roles that are currently linked actually make use of separating services through different container types and linking these.
  • the defaults should be documented (i.e. provision_docker_groups: ['docker_containers'] is really useful to know.)