
Example of using the Bluevia API with Sinatra

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Update June 2020: I'm not sure if Bluevia is still a thing. If it is then this code will almost certainly require some kind of modification to make it work. Going to leave the code here for posterity.


Simple ruby sinatra app to test the Bluevia API.


Get the code from github and use bundler to install dependencies.

git clone https://github.com/chrismytton/bluevia-example
cd bluevia-example
bundle install


You'll need to get an account, and then get an api key from Bluevia.

Once you've registered your application you'll need to export your API key and secret that you are given, put the following in your ~/.bashrc.

export BLUEVIA_CLIENT_ID='clientidfrombluevia'
export BLUEVIA_CLIENT_SECRET='secretstringfrombluevia'

Save this file then source it with source ~/.bashrc.


Start up the sinatra server by running ruby from within bundler.

bundle exec ruby app.rb

MIT Licenced

Copyright (c) 2011, Chris Mytton