
Events not showing in Mixpanel

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi there.

I'm having trouble showing events in Mixpanel using the package of this repo provided with NuGet.

var properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
properties["Using"] = "Email";

MixpanelTracker tracker = new MixpanelTracker("[TOKEN]");
MixpanelEvent signupEvent = new MixpanelEvent("Signed up", properties);
var result = tracker.Track(signupEvent);

Here's my code. I'm just trying to log when a user registers on our service.

result returns true. So it appears to be working from the server end. My event never shows on Mixpanel however.

I assume I should be using the token, the same one used in the init call of the javascript library, and not the API details given?

Any help would be appreciated!

Ignore me. Once I walked away from the problem I realised it was because I was not passing a distinct_id field to identify the user. Is anyone else has problems using this. Read the HTTP spec on the mixpanel help pages for more info on what can be set.