
Larger checkboxes

Opened this issue · 2 comments

User should be able to scale up checkbox size.

And checkboxes should be vertically aligned in the middle of row.

I seem to remember spending quite a bit of time trying to aligning the checkbox. Happy for someone else to have a go :).
However remember that when scrolling, we wouldn't want the top half of a todo list item appearing at the bottom of the display without a corresponding checkbox next it it.

I agree it would be nice to scale checkboxes.
Possible implementations:

  1. Use a single high-res checkbox icon (one per display density) and let the android OS scale down the icon depending on text size. Disadvantage: appearance suffers as images might not scale well.
  2. Pre-generate a set of different sizes checkbox images and just use the most appropriate size for the current text size. Disadvantage: larger apk size (would need to render images for each of the three display densities), and more effort required in maintaining checkbox images
  3. Define a fixed number (e.g. 3) of different icon sizes for each checkbox image and let user select which size to use. Disadvantages: same as for approach #2 but to a lessor degree.