Support .aliases
Opened this issue · 2 comments
I have a brunch of aliases in my .bashrc file, but glue does not read them, is it possible to make them available ?
I have aliases that I'd like to use, as well functions, PATH definitions, and more in my .bashrc file.
It seems like adding a new key to the Glue settings file such as glue_rc
which called "source" on the specified path would accomplish this.
For example, { "glue_rc" : "/home/username/.bashrc" }
would call source /home/username/.bashrc
sorry for the delay in my response. this project has been on the back burner for a bit, primarily because it is such a bitch to test cross platform and across Python versions within the ST application. I do intend to dive back in to this code as soon as I have my current project up and running and will keep this issue active for the release queue.
And I always take PR's :)