
SearchRSS Twitter operator errors

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Tried v0.3.5 searchrss using the twitter operators and got some errors..

tweetledee/searchrss.php?q=keyword&rt=recent&c=1 (using rt en c)

This page contains the following errors:

error on line 3 at column 90: EntityRef: expecting ';'
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

tweetledee/searchrss.php?q=keyword%20near%3Aamsterdam%20within%3A25km (operators)

tweet_search connection failure


does work oddly enough..

I did edit the feed output a bit but that shouldn't be the problem.

Thanks for reporting this @adjeD. I will have a look and get back to you.

do you have a full URL with your main domain so that I can test this? my tweet stream is not likely to have tweets that meet these search criteria. thanks much

Sure, it's http://www.xxxx.xx/tweetledee2/
Old version is located at /tweetledee/..
Good luck and keep me posted!

Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2013 09:26:59 -0800
Subject: Re: [tweetledee] SearchRSS Twitter operator errors (#30)

do you have a full URL with your main domain so that I can test this? my tweet stream is not likely to have tweets that meet these search criteria. thanks much

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Thanks will take a look this weekend

I fixed the error with the multi-parameter query string example that you provided:


The bug fix is now available in v.0.3.6. Do you mind installing and testing to confirm that it works for you?

Still trying to figure out what is going on with the second part of your issue report. I updated the searchrss.php file so that it reports the HTTP status code from the Twitter servers and we are receiving a 400 code. It doesn't like the query that is being submitted. This is a request syntax error response code. What is unclear to me is that it doesn't occur with single advanced operator queries that use the same characters. I may have to dig through the tmhOAuth code to see if something funny is occurring there.