
Tools funktionieren nicht

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Hoi Christian,

Funktioniert leider nicht. Was ist los?


Paul Sinnema

Global symbol "$lbplugindir" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $lbplugindir"?) at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/developertools/index.cgi line 61.
Global symbol "$lbhtmldir" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $lbhtmldir"?) at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/developertools/index.cgi line 63.
Global symbol "$lbtemplatedir" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $lbtemplatedir"?) at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/developertools/index.cgi line 64.
Global symbol "$lbdatadir" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $lbdatadir"?) at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/developertools/index.cgi line 65.
Global symbol "$lblogdir" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $lblogdir"?) at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/developertools/index.cgi line 66.
Global symbol "$lbconfigdir" requires explicit package name (did you forget to declare "my $lbconfigdir"?) at /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/developertools/index.cgi line 67.
Execution of /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/htmlauth/plugins/developertools/index.cgi aborted due to compilation errors.
Depending of what you have done, report this error to the plugin developer or the LoxBerry-Core team.
Further information you may find in the error logs.