
Can't get values from UDP connection

manuelkirsch opened this issue · 2 comments

Miniserver is not receiving values from the lms gateway.

3 squeezelite instances.

I have checked all the ip's and ports and I have checked the log files, which are not showing any error or even information beside of the configuration saved messages.

Where can I start to troubleshoot?

Thanks a lot,


Hallo Manuel,
for troubleshooting it needs some experience.

First of all, try
ps aux | grep lms2udp
to find out if the process is running.

If NOT, do the following:

  • Disable the LMS Gateway in the web interface.
  • With putty on shell with loxberry user, run
    /opt/loxberry/webfrontend/cgi/plugins/squeezelite/bin/ --activate
    to run the service in interactive mode. Double-check if you receive values on Loxone.

If IT IS running, do the following:

  • In Loxone Config, remove the IP limitation (but not the port) from the Virtual Input and save and restart Miniserver.
  • Disable the LMS Gateway in the web interface. The service should be stopped (please double-check and, as appropriate, kill it).
  • Use the UDP monitor in Loxone Config to watch for UDP packets.
  • Run the service as mentioned above.
  • Immediately after starting the, it sends a "Hello Loxone" string via UDP that you should see in UDP monitor.

In the current 0.4.1 release is a bug that calling the plugins index.cgi fails with error 500. Please see for the solution. I will update the release plugin as soon as possible (presumably on Thursday).

Cheers, Christian

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