
Download / erase duration incorrect

ToLToL opened this issue · 1 comments


First, thanks for this amazing tool.

I run ossperf with the following parameters:

./ -n 100 -s 16777216 -b benchmark-test -p -m {mc_alias} -o

I get this result:

[1] Required time to create the bucket:                 2.262 s
[2] Required time to upload the files:                  60.858 s
[3] Required time to fetch a list of files:             0.297 s
[4] Required time to download the files:                0.194 s
[5] Required time to erase the objects:                 0.431 s
[6] Required time to erase the bucket:                  0.692 s
    Required time to perform all S3-related operations: 64.734 s

    Bandwidth during the upload of the files:           220.542 Mbps
    Bandwidth during the download of the files:         69184.395 Mbps

Is 0.194 s the required time to download all the 100 files or just one of them? Same question to erase objects.

Thanks a lot for your kind words.

[2] 60.858 s is the required time to upload the 100 files.
[4] 0.194 s is the required time to download the 100 files.
[5] 0.431 s is the required time to erase the 100 files.

Sorry for the late reply.