
"service unavailable" in Heroku instance

Closed this issue · 6 comments

dmd commented

I keep getting "Service unavailable" when trying to upload on my Heroku instance.


dmd commented

Also sometimes the rather unhelpful "true":


Hah, interesting. Well, there's quite a lot of things this could be. Does Heroku give you access to the server logs?

dmd commented


2013-08-23T17:36:52.597344+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded)

Well, that makes sense. Is there a way the quota could be detected and have it so people wouldn't try uploading things bigger than that?

dmd commented says that R14 shouldn't actually kill it, though. I didn't get any R15s.

dmd commented

Ahh, that does make a lot of sense. I'm actually running into the same problem on my server.

Memory management and figuring out what the actual max upload size is (and getting a server with more memory) is next on my todo list. I'm thinking of upping the limit significantly once I get the new server and charging $1/month for people that want to upload files over 50 megs (or more than 500 files a month or something).