
Multple file selection on iPhone but not on Samsung Galaxy.

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When using dbinbox from an iPhone, multiple photos can be selected. The customer simply goes...

Choose Files>Camera Roll* (* or wherever they want to get their photos from). They tap all the photos they want to upload (each time they tap, a checkbox is marked) then they tap "Done" and the photos are uploaded in sequence.

However, on the Samsung Galaxy, they go..

Choose Files>Gallery>Camera* (* or wherever they want to get their photos from). and the moment the photo is touched it uploads. They have to repeat "Choose Files>Gallery>Camera" for every photo. Uploading 20-30 photos this way is somewhat tedious. Is there any way this issue can be addressed from your end, or it is a peculiarity of the way Android accesses its photos?

NOTE: It appears that the only viewing method for pictures in a Galaxy that uses "multiple checkboxing" is the delete function!

Hmm, unfortunately I think this may be a limitation of the Galaxy.

I don't have a Galaxy device handy to test potential solutions. Do you know if there's any online uploading system that allows for multiple selections on the Galaxy that I could take a look at to see what they're doing differently?

I don't know of one, however, the following might help;

On a Galaxy, when you access the Gallery in the normal course of use. i.e....

Applications>Gallery>Location* (being wherever you have photos stored) can tap the menu button (bottom left below screen) and check-boxes immediately appear. The menu allows the user to bring up options to Copy, Crop, Edit, Send, Share etc.

However, when the Gallery is accessed from the "Choose Files" button of dbinbox, the Menu button appears disabled. You can tap it and feel the haptic feedback, but the check-boxes and menu do not appear. Perhaps there is something in the "script" that is associated with the "Choose Files" button that is not accessing the full features of the Gallery. The check-boxes is the only thing that is really needed.

Interesting - we know it should be possible, then.

I found this:

If you go into the gallery and into a folder of photos you can choose the settings icon (three vertical dots) and choose Select Item. This will bring you back to the gallery where you can multiselect the images and share them in bulk.

From an android form. Is that what you just described you can't do?

Does imgur allow multiple uploads on a galaxy?

I just pushed a major rewrite of dbinbox. Could you see if the new code works on a galaxy?

The code still only allows single file uploads on a galaxy unlike iPhones which bring up a checkbox to allow multiple selections before uploading. Galaxy does have some functions that allow multiple file selections e.g. deleting from the gallery. I think you need to talk to someone who develops Galaxy apps to find out how to access the images this way

Sent from Samsung Mobile

Christian Genco wrote:

I just pushed a major rewrite of dbinbox. Could you see if the new code works on a galaxy?

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