
A good start

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

This is definitely a welcome program for Windows since we definitely need something to monitor how long we spend in front of our screens. A few quick questions/suggestions:

  1. Will there be an option to block an app after a few minutes/hours/custom time, similar to the focus mode in Android (Samsung)? Even a popup alert that I have spent "so many hours/minutes" on this app would be great.

  2. Clicking on "Excluded Apps" closes the program. Would this be fixed?


  1. Blocking an app is not yet planned. Notification popup is possible in the future.
  2. This is definitely a bug. Can you provide the step-by-step procedure to replicate this behavior? Does it always happen or only sometimes?
  1. Blocking an app is not yet planned. Notification popup is possible in the future.

    1. This is definitely a bug. Can you provide the step-by-step procedure to replicate this behavior? Does it always happen or only sometimes?

I open the program, click on "settings", then click on the blank white box, next to "Excluded Apps", this results in the program closing itself.

Forgot to try..catch when no item is selected.

Fixed in: 378067d

@freeidiot40x2 Alert Notifications, Auto Run on Startup, and Global Exception Handling (with direct report here in Github) are now available in latest release.
