
Unable to deploy on Heroku

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I tried to deploy it on heroku but it's showing several errors. Is there anything that I have to change in the settings in order to deploy it on heroku . Kindly help.

Thanks in advance.

Are there any errors that might be helpful?

Are there any errors that might be helpful?

Screenshot from 2020-11-18 19-51-09
Screenshot from 2020-11-18 19-50-59

I'm getting this error. Kindly help if possible.

I forgot to mention a part in the Django-googledrive-storage works on local machine even with JSON filepath referenced because it can find it. Please don't check your JSON into the source control especially if it would be a public repository. The way to go is to put the contents of your JSON file in an Environment Variable (Config Vars in Heroku's terms).

Please try this:

  1. Copy the contents of your JSON file as text.
  2. Go to your Heroku project settings, and in Config Vars, create a new key-value pair with:
    Value: paste the contents of JSON
  3. Try to run migrate again.

Please post an update if you're done.

Hi, I faced another problem while trying this .
I have copied the contents of the Json file to an environment variable with the name GOOGLE_DRIVE_STORAGE_JSON_KEY_FILE_CONTENTS as you recommended earlier in the .But I'm getting this error. Kindly help me out solving this ,then I can continue trying the further steps .
Screenshot from 2020-11-18 23-10-14

Config Vars can take some time to take effect. But in the meantime, please hold on while I'll try and recreate this issue. Thanks.

Screenshot from 2020-11-24 17-02-20

I am getting this error while deploying in heroku. Can you please help me with this error.

It seems that you're trying to use the JSON method of setting up your Google Service Account authentication, which as far as I know, won't work with Heroku (ephemeral disk / non-persistent filesystem). The better option is to create a new config var within Heroku Dashboard:

Value: Paste the contents of the JSON you got from Google Accounts

Then, change this setting and in your and set it to: GOOGLE_DRIVE_STORAGE_JSON_KEY_FILE = None. This will force it to look for an environment variable (Config Vars in Heroku's terms) in the system with the name / key of GOOGLE_DRIVE_STORAGE_JSON_KEY_FILE_CONTENTS.