CS6375 Assignment 3

This is for assignment 3 in CS6375 by Christian Loth.


  • Python 3.11.1 or higher
  • pipenv for managing dependencies and the virtual environment.


  1. cd into the cs-6375-assignment-3 directory:

    cd cs-6375-assignment-3
  2. Using pipenv to manage dependencies and virtual environment:

    pipenv install
  3. Activate the virtual environment:

    pipenv shell

Running the Program

After setting up the environment and installing the necessary dependencies:

  1. Run the program inside the pipenv shell that you have activated:
    python assignment3.py
    • This will run the program and output the results in a tabular format to the console, as well as a plot of SSE vs K.
    • Note:
      • You can change the value of K_VALS_FOR_OUTPUT to change the values of K that are used for the output. A for loop iterates over these values and runs the clustering algorithm for each value of K.
      • You can also change the value of RANDOM_SEED. This is so that the output can remain consistent each time the program is run. I will have it set to 3 in my submission.