
update Chevrotain package

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I've decided to start from scratch again on the Obsidian plugin. I get an error when running npm run dev

It looks like updating chevrotain in @argdown/core will fix it
See Chevrotain/chevrotain#1441

Error: Could not load C:\Users\adder\Documents\obsidian-notes\.obsidian\plugins\obsidian-argdown-plugin2\node_modules\@argdown\core\node_modules\chevrotain\lib_esm\api_esm.mjs (imported b
y node_modules\@argdown\core\dist-esm\index.js): ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\adder\Documents\obsidian-notes\.obsidian\plugins\obsidian-argdown-plugin2\node_modules\@

Hi, I updated the dependency and released @argdown/core@v1.7.1 and @argdown/node@v1.7.1

Let me know if you come across any other issues.