
Tokens not being charged

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When I got to make a purchase, it succeeds and the token is created (as evidence by the Stripe log). For some reason the token isn't being charged so the money isn't actually being taken from the customer.

Here is the post:

email: ""
validation_type: "card"
payment_user_agent: "Stripe Checkout v3 (stripe.js/1b0d1ee)"
user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0"
device_id: "DNT"
referrer: ""
time_checkout_opened: "1470175535"
time_checkout_loaded: "1470175535"
    number: "**** **** **** 4242"
    cvc: "***"
    exp_month: "2"
    exp_year: "2020"
    name: "Test"
    address_line1: "123 Test"
    address_city: "Bountiful"
    address_state: "UT"
    address_zip: "84010"
    address_country: "United States"
key: "pk_test_uwNyHPdculcp4BpsDg3yydhO"


(sorry the formatting is weird due to the copy/paste from Stripe's website)


id: tok_18eB1OBWJkTQmXkZvmYZMLdJ
object: "token"
    id: card_18eB1OBWJkTQmXkZhKbsLXS7
    object: "card"
    address_city: "Bountiful"
    address_country: "United States"
    address_line1: "123 Test"
    address_line1_check: "pass"
    address_line2: null
    address_state: "UT"
    address_zip: "12345"
    address_zip_check: "pass"
    brand: "Visa"
    country: "US"
    cvc_check: "pass"
    dynamic_last4: null
    exp_month: 2
    exp_year: 2020
    funding: "credit"
    last4: "4242"
    name: "Test"
    tokenization_method: null
client_ip: ""
created: 1470175558
email: ""
livemode: false
type: "card"
used: false


Is there a secret to get the Heroku app to charge or is there something else? The configuration appears correct due to the tokens being created.


You're using a pk_test_* key in your example so you should be able to view charges at

Sadly nothing is there :( chatted with a Stripe dev on IRC and they said the server isn't charging the users, just getting a token. Are you able to get it to charge?

My shop url is setup like so: and the link to the flatmarket.json is like If you'd rather look at my actual domains and store let me know so I can shoot your a private message somehow.