
A few scripts for processing ISI / Web of Science data.

Primary LanguagePython


A few scripts for processing ISI / Web of Science data.


  • Extracts publication years from an ISI / Web of Science file and creates a histogram as a time series.
  • Usage: python WOSyears.py file


  • Generates a wordcloud from a ISI / Web of Science file based on the Author Keywords (DE)
  • Requires the wordcloud package - https://github.com/amueller/word_cloud
  • Usage: python WOSkeywordcloud.py file


  • Parses records from the Web of Science when saved as TSV files (Mac OS, UTF-8)
  • Includes brief descriptions as code comments.
  • Tested with Python 3.4
  • Usage: 1) Change filename in script, 2) python3 WoSTSVparser.py