Repository of research computing and data howtos aimed at MIT ORCD cyberinfrastructure - hopefully useful elsewhere too!
software and systems used in research are many and varied. figuring out how to use a tool on a particular system or environment can be fiddly and time consuming. this repo is an experiment in a place where people can find (and contribute to?) information on how to get something done. if you have figured out how to do something with ORCD cyberinfrastructure then we would be delighted to help you share your information to help others.
there are a bunch of other resources too that try to provide a space where people can share tips and tricks (e.g., and more... ) or software tool suggestions (e.g. , , and more .... ). we also contribute to these. the pages here aim to be somewhat specific to ORCD cyberinfratructure.
google search is your friend!