
Website AppImage problem

electronoob opened this issue · 7 comments

Are the appimage downloads here supported here on github issues?

What support do you need? I am not able to test on native Linux.

okay, might not be able to help me but i appreciate you taking a look.

using: nesicide-0886982-x86_64.AppImage
on manjaro linux.

when i try to compile one of the example templates i get various errors and unable to compile.

asm template
Project build started.
Building: obj/nes/hello_world.chr
Constructing 'bank0':
Adding: tilesets/titlegfx.png(4096 bytes)
Adding: tilesets/gamegfx.png(4096 bytes)
Building: obj/nes/hello_world.prg
make -f all
ca65 -t nes -g --debug-info -I . -o obj/nes/main.o src/main.s
ca65 -t nes -g --debug-info -I . -o obj/nes/header.o header.s
cl65 -t nes -C nes.ini -Wl --dbgfile,hello_world.dbg obj/nes/main.o obj/nes/header.o -o obj/nes/hello_world.prg
ld65: Error: Input file 'nes.lib' not found
make: *** [ obj/nes/hello_world.prg] Error 1
Build failed while processing Source.

UC template
Project build started.
Building: obj/nes/untitled3.prg
make -f all
ca65 -t nes -g --debug-info -I . -o obj/nes/crt0.o lib/crt0.s
ca65 -t nes -g --debug-info -I . -o obj/nes/header.o header.s
java -jar /tmp/.mount_nesiciT6TZFL/cc65/../uc65-release-0.5-rc4/uc65.jar -i src -o obj/nes/data.s source/data.uc
Error: Unable to access jarfile /tmp/.mount_nesiciT6TZFL/cc65/../uc65-release-0.5-rc4/uc65.jar
make: *** [ obj/nes/data.o] Error 1
Build failed while processing Source.

C template
Project build started.
Building: obj/nes/hello_world.chr
Constructing 'bank0':
Adding: tilesets/titlegfx.png(4096 bytes)
Adding: tilesets/gamegfx.png(4096 bytes)
Building: obj/nes/hello_world.prg
make -f all
cl65 --create-dep obj/nes/main.d -S -t nes -g --debug-info -I . -o obj/nes/main.s src/main.c
ca65 -t nes -g --debug-info -I . -o obj/nes/main.o obj/nes/main.s
obj/nes/main.s(12): Error: Cannot open include file 'longbranch.mac': No such file or directory
obj/nes/main.s(57): Error: ':' expected
src/main.c(15): Note: Assembly code generated from this line
obj/nes/main.s(57): Error: Unexpected trailing garbage characters
src/main.c(15): Note: Assembly code generated from this line
obj/nes/main.s(119): Error: ':' expected
src/main.c(38): Note: Assembly code generated from this line
obj/nes/main.s(119): Error: Unexpected trailing garbage characters
src/main.c(38): Note: Assembly code generated from this line
obj/nes/main.s(179): Error: Symbol 'jne' is already defined
src/main.c(50): Note: Assembly code generated from this line
obj/nes/main.s(179): Error: ':' expected
src/main.c(50): Note: Assembly code generated from this line
obj/nes/main.s(179): Error: Symbol '.size' is already defined
src/main.c(50): Note: Assembly code generated from this line
obj/nes/main.s(179): Error: Unexpected trailing garbage characters
src/main.c(50): Note: Assembly code generated from this line
make: *** [ obj/nes/main.o] Error 1
Build failed while processing Source.

I've replicated in my Ubuntu VM. I'll take a look.

thank you for the update

Please try build 23f147b. It works in my Ubuntu VM.

much better! thank you for taking care of that issue.

No problem. Sorry for the inconvenience. I don't get much time to work on this these days, and with three platforms it gets a bit hairy. Bug reports always welcome...