
A GitHub bot for managing Spinnaker's repos.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A GitHub bot for managing Spinnaker's repos.


You need a ~/.spinbot/config file with the following (example) values:

# either token: or token_path: must be set
# generate a token here: https://github.com/settings/tokens
  token_path: /path/to/github/token_file
  repos: [] # list of repos, e.g
            # - spinnaker/spinnaker
            # - spinnaker/clouddriver
            # ....

  level: INFO

# either 'local', or 'gcs'
    path: ~/.spinbot/cache
    bucket: spinbot-cache
    project: your-creds-project
    path: spinbot/cache
    json_path: /path/to/creds.json

  - name: log_issue_policy

  # each of these has an optional "config" section
  - name: log_event_handler
      payload: false
  - name: release_branch_pull_request_handler
  - name: master_branch_pull_request_handler

# optional
    host: localhost
    port: 9086

Certain properties are exposed using command-line flags, such as --events.enabled=False. These are parsed/delimited by . and merged with the contents of ~/.spinbot/config.

Running for development

You will need the following:

  • python3
  • pip
  • make -- largely optional, you can read the Makefile in this repo to see what it executes (it's just a few, small commands).
  1. Install the necessary packages:
make init
  1. Configure the bot, see the config section above

  2. Run ./spinbot.py. It should complete after a few seconds.

If you want to build the Docker container, either rely on the Dockerfile in the root of the repository, or run:

make docker

This assumes you have build access in the spinnaker-marketplace GCP project -- you can edit PROJECT variable in the Makefile to change this.

How it works

To help manage the Spinnaker GitHub repos, the bot is does two things:

  1. Handle events as they arrive in the repositories you've configured.

    The bot applies each listed event handler in event.handlers to every event it sees since the last time it ran. It keeps track of this by writing the timestamp of the newest event it processed into either local storage, or GCS (depends on the storage configuration).

  2. Apply policies to issues, pull requests, and maybe more in the future.

    The bot pulls every issue/pull request from each repository, and applies each policy.policies to it. This is quite a bit more expensive (in API calls) and ideally shouldn't be done with every run.

The reason for handling these two things separately is that old issues/pull requests don't generate events, but need attention.

Writing a new event handler

To create a new event handler, create a file: events/my_event_handler.py:

from .handler import Handler

# !IMPORTANT! The class name must match the "snake_case" of the filename. This
#             is how the handler is automatically configured & registered when
#             entered in ~/.spinbot/config
class MyEventHandler(Handler):
    def __init__(self):
        # Calling that init function gives you the following:
        # * self.config (comes from the per-event-handler config in
        #   events.handler.*.config)
        # * self.logging (a logger just for this class)
        # * self.monitoring_db (a way to write metrics to the configured
        #   monitoring database)

    def handles(self, event):
        # return True i.f.f. the input event can be handled by this handler

    def handle(self, gh, event):
        # gh is client under ./gh/client.py -- it's meant to wrap API calls
        # event is the event to process

# !IMPORTANT! Call your constructur here

And configure it using:

  - name: my_event_handler
      custom: 'value'

Writing a new policy

To create a new policy, create a file: policy/my_policy.py:

from .policy import Policy

# !IMPORTANT! The class name must match the "snake_case" of the filename. This
#             is how the policy is automatically configured & registered when
#             entered in ~/.spinbot/config
class MyPolicy(Policy):
    def __init__(self):
        # Calling that init function gives you the following:
        # * self.config (comes from the per-policy config in
        #   policy.policies.*.config)
        # * self.logging (a logger just for this class)
        # * self.monitoring_db (a way to write metrics to the configured
        #   monitoring database)

    def applies(self, object):
        # return True i.f.f. the input object applies to this policy

    def apply(self, gh, object):
        # gh is client under ./gh/client.py -- it's meant to wrap API calls
        # object is the resource to process

# !IMPORTANT! Call your constructur here

And configure it using:

  - name: my_policy
      custom: 'value'