API key
truesamurai opened this issue · 6 comments
On Kali it works fine but on my Ubuntu machine it keep asking for secret key.
I already added it to bashrc file but it keep asking me. Also I tried adding with command line but it did not help.
Any ideas?
Can you provide me with the command you run? Did you set the environment variables?
$ export CENSYS_API_ID=...
$ export CENSYS_API_SECRET=...
$ python cloudflair.py myvulnerable.site
Yes these are the commands I ran:
export CENSYS_API_ID=...
python cloudflair.py myvulnerable.site
Can you show the exact output you get?
This is the output after I entered my API details and start the programm in Ubuntu:
[*] Retrieving Cloudflare IP ranges from https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4
[!] Please set your Censys API ID and secret from your environment (CENSYS_API_ID and CENSYS_API_SECRET) or from the command line.
Weird. Which python version are you using?
Closing for inactivity, feel free to reopen if needed.