
What do you need?

  1. Docker
  2. docker-compose
  3. (If compiling) A rust build environment

Getting it up

Follow the steps below in the given order.

Getting the db on

  1. Set the env variables Look at the environment variables section; Place it in a .env file.
  2. Use docker compose to start the database
    docker-compose up -d

Compiling it (If you dont have an executable)

  1. Use the rust toolchain, preferably the latest stable one.
  2. Build it
    cargo build --release
  3. Your executable will be present in the target/release directory.


  1. Use cargo run --release to directly compile and run
  2. Database needs to be reachable while compiling

Running it

  1. Run the executable
  2. ???
  3. Profit

Note: The executable is silent, use the rest api to talk to it. This file can be interacted with the VSCode extension "Rest Client" (humao.rest-client) for testing, but otherwise these are curl requests that can be used appropriately.

Environment variables

DATABASE_URL connection url server

What it has

User -> Name, USN, PWD, email, Dept Sub -> CC, Sem, Dept, isGlobal, maxCapacity Booking -> USN,CC

What it does

  1. Mass import users
  2. Mass import subjects
  3. Users book subjects? Better just add any amount
  4. Users can see stats?
  5. Report comes with result



  • Add subject booking recording
  • Add subject booking computations
  • Auth
  • Consider enabling and disabling bookings


  • Understand existing codebase
  • Consider conventional composition for the sake of my sanity