
An extension to add some snippets on vs code

MIT LicenseMIT

Stencil Snippets

This extension adds some useful snippets on stencil tsx files.


  • Launch Code (^1.15.0)
  • From the command palette Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd-Shift-P (OSX)
  • Select Install Extension
  • Type stencil-snippets
  • Choose the extension
  • Reload Visual Studio Code


Type part of a snippet, press enter, and the snippet unfolds.

Current Snippets

st-component  // Generate a basic stencil component.
st-prop       // Add a new @Prop().
st-watch      // Add a new @Watch().
st-state      // Add a new @State().
st-method     // Add a new @Method().
st-element    // Add a new @Element().
st-event      // Add a new @Event().
st-listen     // Add a new @Listen().

st-willload   // Add the componentWillLoad life cycle.
st-didload    // Add the componentDidLoad life cycle.
st-willupdate // Add the componentWillUpdate life cycle.
st-didupdate  // Add the componentDidUpdate life cycle.
st-didunload  // Add the componentDidUnload life cycle.


MIT License

