
Installation error "unable to locate package python-nfqeue"

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I just installed and upgraded a fresh copy of Kali Linux from the official site. Then i cloneed your git and went through your installation guide. After i click "y" to install the dependencies automatically i get this error "unable to locate package python-nfqeue".
As a result i can never run your tool.
Pls help.

x3l51 commented

You can't use python3. Use this instead sudo python2

You can alternatively look at my repos for I have made an fork that works with python3. It needs testing anyway.

root@kali:~/netattack2# python2
ERROR: Modules missing.
Do you want to automatically install all requirements? (y/n): y
[*] Installing requirements, please stand by...
Requirement already satisfied: netifaces in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (0.10.9)
E: Unable to locate package python-nfqueue

[+] Requirements installed.


root@kali:~/netattack2# python
ERROR: Modules missing.
Do you want to automatically install all requirements? (y/n): y
[*] Installing requirements, please stand by...
Requirement already satisfied: netifaces in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (0.10.9)
E: Unable to locate package python-nfqueue

[+] Requirements installed.


Can you help me how to solve this problem ?

Hey ! It issues is easy to fix !

Just open the with the text editor of your choice ! After that, just remove every line, that contains « python-nfqueue »

After that save it. And re rune the command !

It should work just fine without it !
Hope this will fix your issues ! (It worked for me so should work for you with no problem ! ^^)