
Fix continuous integration issues

Sharparam opened this issue · 4 comments

The CI server seems to be down for unknown reasons and @brandonscott (server manager) is MIA. If we can't get it back up we will have to look into alternative solutions or spin up a new server somewhere. Problem is a lot of the build configuration was located on that server and that server alone.

If anyone has ideas on possible places to move the build process, please comment on this issue. A third-party build service (so not hosted on a server we control) could improve availability but also limit flexibility and be more expensive.

I initially played around with

Didn't do to much digging other than seeing if it would "just work"

Fixed. Just needed to specify the solution file, next step: artefacts!

I think we'll do some restructuring of the files and add a Cake build script. This will place all the files necessary to build it in the repo, so we can move CI much easier in the future.

After we have the Cake script we can use that in AppVeyor.

Colore now has a functioning CI infrastructure again using AppVeyor and Travis CI!