
Error with custom config file not placed in root directory

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Bug report

We are managing 4 Storybook Projects in a single repo, so we needed 4 config file eg., --config-file storybook/bc-chromatic.config.json which is stored under storybook folder.

We am aware that if we provide a wrong path in our main.js file, we will get an early error like this.


import path from "path";

/** @type { import('@storybook/react-vite').StorybookConfig } */
const config = {
	stories: ["../../../resources/src/**/*.story.jsx"],
	framework: {
		name: "@storybook/react-vite",
	addons: [
			name: "@chromatic-com/storybook",
			options: {
				configFile: "storybook/bc-chromatic.config.json",

export default config;

For Eg.,

But instead, I get this error after booting up the storybook but prevents us from running the Visual Test. It's looking for the file bc-chromatic.config.json in the root directory instead of the configFile: "storybook/bc-chromatic.config.json",

We currently resolved this by moving the config file to the root directory, but this needs to be fixed. Because we have 4 similar config files in our root directory now.