
Github Action Feature Request: support yarn and/or workspaces for monorepos

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I have a project using lerna and yarn workspaces. My storybook stories should ideally link to my other package in the repo via workspaces. I would like to be able to have the Chromatic Github Action run yarn workspace my-storybook-package storybook:build

Right now, the github action for chromatic only supports npm which disqualifies me from using yarn. (My first request is humbly: can I request that yarn is supported?)

However, I am willing to do an on-the-fly conversion using synp to convert my yarn.lock to a package-lock.json and use npm instead. However, the buildScriptName option for the action still doesn't work since the npm equivalent for this script would be npm run storybook:build --workspace=my-storybook-package and the buildScriptName option doesn't seem to want to take in any flags. (So my second request is: can we pass flags or even just specify a workspace?)

In the meantime for others that run into this, I'm thinking I'll manually have to link the libraries I need that workspaces normally handle for me.