
Angular 15 publish failing

bmayen opened this issue · 6 comments

Builds previously worked fine with Angular 14, but after upgrading to v15 I get the following build error when attempting to publish:

Zone.js has detected that ZoneAwarePromise `(window|global).Promise` has been overwritten.
Most likely cause is that a Promise polyfill has been loaded after Zone.js (Polyfilling Promise api is not necessary when zone.js is loaded. If you must load one, do so before loading zone.js.)

This does not happen when I build Storybook locally, only when publishing via Github Action.

Encountered 19 build errors: failing with exit code 2
Pass --allow-console-errors to succeed this command regardless of runtime build errors.
Review the errors at ...

@bmayen Chromatic runs the build-storybook command during the build process (different from start-storybook) and so the best place to start is to have you run these commands locally:

  1. npm run build-storybook
  2. npx http-server storybook-static -o

When you do, are there any errors? And after step 2 the browser should load up with your Storybook. Are all of your stories there? Do you see any errors in the console?

Ah, you're right. Problem lies here with the build, not with Chromatic. I'll do some more digging locally now. Thank you.

evtk commented

I have exactly the same issue. @bmayen what did you do to get this fixed?

I can spin up the storybook-static locally, and don't receive any zone.js error. Though I do get below error, but story renders without issues.

Uncaught TypeError: __webpack_require__.n is not a function
    at ./node_modules/@storybook/core-client/dist/esm/globals/globals.js (StorybookModule.js:33:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (runtime~styles.4fbabc34.iframe.bundle.js:1:323)
    at __webpack_exec__ (main.af1a19a8.iframe.bundle.js:2:8670975)
    at main.af1a19a8.iframe.bundle.js:2:8671151
    at __webpack_require__.O (runtime~styles.4fbabc34.iframe.bundle.js:1:893)
    at main.af1a19a8.iframe.bundle.js:2:8672187
    at webpackJsonpCallback (runtime~styles.4fbabc34.iframe.bundle.js:1:1579)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at runtime~styles.4fbabc34.iframe.bundle.js:1:1994
    at runtime~styles.4fbabc34.iframe.bundle.js:1:2143

@evtk storybookjs/storybook#20031
Upgrading Storybook to latest fixed this for us.

evtk commented

@bmayen awesome, works! Thanks for the quick response.